Kielikoulu Masto tarjoaa seikkailunhaluisille 12-14-vuotiaille nuorille viikonloppuretken Serenan hiihtokeskukseen ja vesipuistoon. Ryhmä majoittuu yhdessä Serenan tilavista hirsimökeistä. Laskettelun ja kylpyläkäyntien lisäksi viikonlopun aikana pelaillaan ja vietetään aikaa englannin kielen taitoa kehittäen yhdessä amerikkalaisen opettajamme kanssa, samalla oppien tuntemaan muita nuoria. Lisätietoa ja ilmoittautumiset (in English):
Kielikoulu Masto offers adventurous teens aged 12 – 14 a weekend excursion to Serena ski and indoor waterpark. We’ll be spending the night in one of Serena’s log cabins. Participants are invited to join in morning and evening games in English language led by one of our great teachers. Days are spent skiing and swimming with new found friends. A ski lesson is available at an additional cost. For more information and to register, contact:
Date: 20.-21.1 2024 (2 days, 1 night)
Age: 12-14 years
Location: Serena cottages, skiing area & spa
Price and payment terms: 299 eur (incl. food, accommodation in a large shared Serena cottage, insurance). Ski lesson available for an additional price. Bring a sibling or friend along for a discounted price of 279€ each. The price will be paid upon registration and is non-refundable. Cancellation and refund is only possible against a medical certificate stating the diagnosis which prevents the participant from taking part in the event.
If the number of participants is under 10 two weeks before the excursion, the event will be cancelled and the price will be refunded in full for those who have already paid.
Registration open until: 03.01.2024
Group size: min. 10, max. 15
More information & registration: